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Ultimate JavaScript Part 1: Fundamentals
Getting Started (17m)
1- Welcome (0:28)
2- What is JavaScript (4:40)
3- Setting Up the Development Environment (3:09)
4- JavaScript in Browsers (3:47)
5- Separation of Concerns (2:04)
6- JavaScript in Node (1:50)
7- Source Code
8- Follow Me Around
9- Learning Paths
Basics (40m)
1- Variables (5:36)
2- Constants (1:44)
3- Primitive Types (3:10)
4- Dynamic Typing (3:17)
5- Objects (5:14)
6- Arrays (4:18)
7- Functions (4:39)
8- Types of Functions (3:16)
Operators (35m)
1- JavaScript Operators (0:40)
2- Arithmetic Operators (3:39)
3- Assignment Operators (1:44)
4- Comparison Operators (2:01)
5- Equality Operators (3:11)
6- Ternary Operator (2:09)
7- Logical Operators (5:30)
8- Logical Operators with Non-booleans (5:53)
9- Bitwise Operators (8:28)
10- Operators Precedence (1:14)
11- Quiz
12- Exercise - Swapping Variables (2:26)
Control Flow (1h25m)
1. If...else (5:23)
2- (4:41)
3- For (5:50)
4- While (2:11)
5- Do...while (3:29)
6- Infinite Loops (2:42)
7- (4:25)
8- For...of (1:15)
9- Break and Continue (2:34)
10- Exercise 1- Max of Two Numbers (3:59)
11- Exercise 2- Landscape or Portrait (2:25)
12- Exercise 3- FizzBuzz (6:39)
13- Exercise 4- Demerit Points (9:05)
14- Exercise 5- Even and Odd Numbers (2:02)
15- Exercise 6- Count Truthy (4:33)
16- Exercise 7- String Properties (2:58)
17- Exercise 8- Sum of Multiples of 3 and 5 (2:40)
18- Exercise 9- Grade (6:32)
19- Exercise 10- Stars (2:33)
20- Exercise- Prime Numbers (8:24)
Objects (1h20m)
1- Basics (4:53)
2- Factory Functions (5:44)
3- Constructor Functions (5:48)
4- Dynamic Nature of Objects (2:03)
5- Constructor Property (2:24)
6- Functions are Objects (4:47)
7- Value vs Reference Types (5:49)
8- Enumerating Properties of an Object (5:09)
9- Cloning an Object (4:21)
10- Garbage Collection (1:14)
11- Math (2:56)
12- String (6:25)
13- Template Literals (4:52)
14- Date (4:00)
15- Exercise 1- Address Object (1:41)
16- Exercise 2- Factory and Constructor Functions (3:02)
17- Exercise 3- Object Equality (3:59)
18- Exercise 4- Blog Post Object (2:15)
19- Exercise 5- Constructor Functions (2:52)
20- Exercise 6- Price Range Object (3:37)
A Quick Note
Arrays (1h30m)
1- Introduction (0:31)
2- Adding Elements (3:35)
3- Finding Elements (Primitives) (3:32)
4- Finding Elements (Reference Types) (5:46)
5- Arrow Functions (1:34)
6- Removing Elements (3:03)
7- Emptying an Array (4:14)
8- Combining and Slicing Arrays (3:40)
9- The Spread Operator (2:25)
10- Iterating an Array (2:31)
11- Joining Arrays (3:11)
12- Sorting Arrays (6:32)
13- Testing the Elements of an Array (3:44)
14- Filtering an Array (2:46)
15- Mapping an Array (7:47)
16- Reducing an Array (6:43)
17- Exercise 1- Array from Range (1:50)
18- Exercise 2- Includes (1:54)
19- Exercise 3- Except (2:08)
20- Exercise 4- Moving an Element (6:31)
21- Exercise 5- Count Occurrences (4:31)
22- Exercise 6- Get Max (6:14)
23- Exercise 7- Movies (4:38)
Functions (1h5m)
1- Function Declarations vs Expressions (3:18)
2- Hoisting (1:56)
3- Arguments (4:15)
4- The Rest Operator (4:38)
5- Default Parameters (3:40)
6- Getters and Setters (5:38)
7- Try and Catch (5:35)
8- Local vs Global Scope (4:44)
9- Let vs Var (5:52)
10- The this Keyword (7:22)
11- Changing this (7:00)
12- Exercise 1- Sum of Arguments (3:42)
13- Exercise 2- Area of Circle (1:53)
14- Exercise 3- Error Handling (2:49)
15- Wrap Up
16- What's Next
9- Bitwise Operators
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