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Complete SQL Mastery
Getting Started (00:25)
1- Introduction (0:18)
2- What is SQL (3:24)
3- Installing MySQL on Mac (4:58)
4- Installing MySQL on Windows (5:20)
5- Creating the Databases (8:32)
6- What You'll Learn (2:31)
7- Follow Me Around
8- Learning Paths
Retrieving Data From a Single Table (00:53)
1- The SELECT Statement (5:50)
2- The SELECT Clause (8:48)
3- The WHERE Clause (5:17)
4- The AND, OR and NOT Operators (6:52)
5- The IN Operator (3:03)
6- The BETWEEN Operator (2:12)
7- The LIKE Operator (5:37)
8- The REGEXP Operator (9:21)
9- The IS NULL Operator (2:26)
10- The ORDER BY Clause (7:06)
11- The LIMIT Clause (3:26)
Retrieving Data From Multiple Tables (01:02)
1- Inner Joins (8:26)
2- Joining Across Databases (2:47)
3- Self Joins (4:13)
4- Joining Multiple Tables (6:46)
5- Compound Join Conditions (3:41)
6- Implicit Join Syntax (2:20)
7- Outer Joins (6:27)
8- Outer Join Between Multiple Tables (6:19)
9- Self Outer Joins (2:12)
10- The USING Clause (5:22)
11- Natural Joins (1:21)
12- Cross Joins (3:14)
13- Unions (8:29)
A Quick Note
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data (00:42)
1- Column Attributes (3:24)
2- Inserting a Row (5:46)
3- Inserting Multiple Rows (3:18)
4- Inserting Hierarchical Rows (5:53)
5- Creating a Copy of a Table (8:47)
6- Updating a Single Row (3:55)
7- Updating Multiple Rows (3:14)
8- Using Subqueries in Updates (5:36)
9- Deleting Rows (1:24)
10- Restoring the Databases (1:06)
Summarizing Data (00:33)
1- Aggregate Functions (9:19)
2- The GROUP BY Clause (7:21)
3- The HAVING Clause (8:50)
4- The ROLLUP Operator (5:05)
Writing Complex Query (00:45)
1- Introduction (1:28)
2- Subqueries (2:29)
3- The IN Operator (3:39)
4- Subqueries vs Joins (5:07)
5- The ALL Keyword (4:52)
6- The ANY Keyword (2:36)
7- Correlated Subqueries (5:36)
8- The EXISTS Operator (5:39)
9- Subqueries in the SELECT Clause (4:29)
10- Subqueries in the FROM Clause (2:58)
Essential MySQL Functions (00:33)
1- Numeric Functions (2:54)
2- String Functions (5:47)
3- Date Functions in MySQL (4:08)
4- Formatting Dates and Times (2:14)
5- Calculating Dates and Times (3:08)
6- The IFNULL and COALESCE Functions (3:29)
7- The IF Function (4:54)
8- The CASE Operator (5:23)
Views (00:18)
1- Creating Views (5:36)
2- Altering or Dropping Views (2:52)
3- Updatable Views (5:12)
4- THE WITH OPTION CHECK Clause (2:18)
5- Other Benefits of Views (2:37)
Stored Procedures (00:48)
1- What are Stored Procedures (2:18)
2- Creating a Stored Procedure (5:34)
3- Creating Procedures Using MySQLWorkbench (1:21)
4- Dropping Stored Procedures (2:09)
5- Parameters (5:26)
6- Parameters with Default Value (8:18)
7- Parameter Validation (6:40)
8- Output Parameters (3:55)
9- Variables (4:33)
10- Functions (6:28)
11- Other Conventions (1:52)
Triggers and Events (00:22)
1- Triggers (7:31)
2- Viewing Triggers (1:20)
3- Dropping Triggers (0:52)
4- Using Triggers for Auditing (4:52)
5- Events (4:33)
6- Viewing, Dropping and Altering Events (2:04)
Transactions and Concurrency (00:49)
1- Transactions (2:44)
2- Creating Transactions (5:11)
3- Concurrency and Locking (4:07)
4- Concurrency Problems (7:25)
5- Transaction Isolation Levels (5:42)
6- READ UNCOMMITTED Isolation Level (3:27)
7- READ COMMITTED Isolation Level (3:01)
8- REPEATABLE READ Isolation Level (3:30)
9- SERIALIZABLE Isolation Level (2:18)
10- Deadlocks (6:11)
Data Types (00:35)
1- Introduction (0:43)
2- String Types (2:25)
3- Integer Types (2:52)
4- Fixed-point and Floating-point Types (1:42)
5- Boolean Types (0:46)
6- Enum and Set Types (3:36)
7- Date and Time Types (0:44)
8- Blob Types (1:17)
9- JSON Type (10:24)
Designing Databases (01:30)
1- Introduction (1:25)
2- Data Modelling (2:26)
3- Conceptual Models (4:34)
4- Logical Models (7:24)
5- Physical Models (6:28)
6- Primary Keys (3:23)
7- Foreign Keys (5:48)
8- Foreign Key Constraints (5:22)
9- Normalization (1:24)
10- 1NF- First Normal Form (2:42)
11- Link Tables (4:01)
12- 2NF- Second Normal Form (6:33)
13- 3NF- Third Normal Form (1:44)
14- My Pragmatic Advice (2:55)
15- Don't Model the Universe (4:24)
16- Forward Engineering a Model (2:35)
17- Synchronizing a Model with a Database (4:48)
18- Reverse Engineering a Database (3:11)
19- Project- Flight Booking System (0:23)
20- Solution- Conceptual Model (7:59)
21- Solution- Logical Model (9:03)
22- Project - Video Rental Application (1:05)
23- Solution- Conceptual Model (7:00)
24- Solution- Logical Model (8:29)
25- Creating and Dropping Databases (1:41)
26- Creating Tables (3:13)
27- Altering Tables (2:56)
28- Creating Relationships (4:47)
29- Altering Primary and Foreign Key Constraints (2:10)
30- Character Sets and Collations (6:29)
31- Storage Engines (2:27)
A Quick Note
Indexing for High Performance (00:58)
1- Introduction (0:41)
2- Indexes (2:49)
3- Creating Indexes (5:01)
4- Viewing Indexes (3:19)
5- Prefix Indexes (3:40)
6- Full-text Indexes (7:50)
7- Composite Indexes (5:12)
8- Order of Columns in Composite Indexes (9:16)
9- When Indexes are Ignored (5:03)
10- Using Indexes for Sorting (7:02)
11- Covering Indexese (1:58)
12- Index Maintenance (1:25)
13- Performance Best Practices
Securing Databases (00:20)
1- Introduction (0:33)
2- Creating a User (3:13)
3- Viewing Users (1:30)
4- Dropping Users (0:48)
5- Changing Passwords (1:06)
6- Granting Privileges (4:53)
7- Viewing Privileges (1:34)
8- Revoking Privileges (1:20)
8- The CASE Operator
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