Picture this: you make a simple change to the code and suddenly realize that you created a dozen unexpected bugs. Sound familiar? You’re not alone!
Good news is, unit testing can make this a thing of the past.
Maybe you’ve heard of automated or unit testing before and you’re keen to learn more.
Or perhaps you’ve tried to learn it and got a bit lost or ended up with fat and fragile tests that got in the way and slowed you down.
Either way, what you need is a course that will teach you all you need to know about this essential skill - from the basics, right through to mastery level.
In a nutshell: it’s the practice of writing code to test your code and then run those tests in an automated fashion.
Why write extra code? Wouldn’t that take extra time to write? Would that slow you down? Why not just run the application and test it like an end user?
Thinking like this is the mistake lots of people make. I used to make it myself. I’ve had to learn the hard way!
I learned pretty fast that if you’re building a complex application or working on a legacy app, manually testing all the various functions is tedious and takes a significant amount of time.
As your application grows, the cost of manual testing grows exponentially. And you’re never 100% sure if you’ve fully tested all the edge cases. You’re never confident that your code really works until you release your software and get a call from your boss or an end user!
Several studies have shown that the later a bug is caught in the software development lifecycle, the more costly it is to the business.
Automated tests help you to catch bugs earlier in the software development lifecycle, right when you’re coding. These tests are repeatable. Write them once and run them over and over.
The benefits of using unit tests are:
More and more companies are recognizing the advantages of automated testing, that’s why it’s a must-have for senior coders. If you’re looking to reach the higher levels in your coding career, this course can help.
You don’t need any prior knowledge of automated testing. You only need 3 months of experience programming in C#.
With this course you’ll learn:
You’ll get:
Hi! My name is Mosh Hamedani. I'm a software engineer with two decades of experience. I've taught millions of people how to code and how to become professional software engineers through my online courses and YouTube channel.
I believe coding should be fun and accessible to everyone.
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Remember, unit testing is a vital skill for a senior developer these days. If you can save yourself and your company time, effort and money, you’ll always be in demand.
Give yourself a step-up and sign up for this course that will teach you to master this important skill.
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