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Testing React Apps with React Testing Library
Getting Started (20m)
1- Introduction (1:22)
2- Prerequisites (1:40)
3- Course Structure (1:46)
4- How to Take this Course (1:52)
5- Setting Up the Development Environment (1:00)
6- Setting Up the Starter Project (5:56)
7- Setting Up Vitest (3:48)
8- Setting Up React Testing Library (2:58)
9- Summary
Testing React Components (100m)
1- Introduction (0:58)
2- What to Test (3:16)
3- Testing Rendering (8:41)
4- Simplifying Test Setup (3:03)
5- Exercise- Testing UserAccount (5:36)
6- Testing Lists (6:05)
7- Exercise- Testing ProductImageGallery (4:21)
8- Testing User Interactions (8:56)
9- Exercise- Testing ExpandableText (11:12)
10- Simplifying Tests (3:01)
11- Exercise- Testing SearchBox (8:35)
12- Testing Asynchronous Code (4:16)
13- Exercise- Testing ToastDemo (3:49)
14- Working with Component Libraries (9:47)
15- Exercise- Simplifying Code (3:50)
16- Exercise- Testing OrderStatusSelector (9:34)
17 - Is Unit Testing Worth It (1:47)
18- Catching Common Issues with ESLint (2:24)
19 - Summary
Mocking APIs (2h 25m)
1- Introduction (0:38)
2- Setting Up Mock Service Worker (6:53)
3- Testing Data Fetching (6:24)
4- Exercise- Testing Data Fetching (12:28)
5- Generating Fake Data (2:36)
6- Mocking Data (10:04)
7- Exercise- Mocking Data (3:03)
8- Testing Errors (1:57)
9- Exercise- Testing Errors (1:32)
10- Testing the Loading State (5:43)
11- Exercise- Testing the Loading State (0:24)
12- Refactoring- Using React Query (8:35)
13- Wrapping Components for Testing (3:20)
14- Exercise- Using React Query (4:30)
15- Exercise- Testing BrowseProductsPage (2:11)
16- Exercise- Testing Loading Skeletons (10:15)
17- Exercise- Testing Error Handling (5:46)
18- Exercise- Testing Data Rendering (13:27)
19- Exercise- Refactoring Tests (8:36)
20- Exercise- Testing Filtering (7:34)
21- Exercise- Refactoring Tests (10:24)
22- Code Coverage (2:32)
23- Exercise- Refactoring with React Query (8:19)
24- Exercise- Extracting CategorySelect (6:39)
25- Exercise- Extracting ProductTable (3:18)
26- Summary
Testing Forms (1h)
1- Introduction (0:34)
2- What to Test (1:38)
3- Testing Rendering (8:38)
4- Exercise- Testing Initial Data (3:50)
5- Exercise- Refactoring Tests (6:26)
6- Exercise- Testing Focus (3:16)
7- Testing Validation Rules (3:29)
8- Parameterizing Tests (3:46)
9- Exercise- Testing Validation Rules (3:54)
10- Exercise- Extracting a Function for Filling Forms (10:46)
11- Resolving the Act Warning (3:56)
12- Exercise- Testing Form Submission (7:29)
13- Testing Form Feedback (3:25)
14- Additional Exercises
15- Summary
Testing State Management (44m)
1- Introduction (0:35)
2- What to Test (0:38)
3- Exercise- Testing Components that Use Context (10:49)
4- Exercise- Testing Quantity Selector (17:33)
5- Exercise- Extracting Utility Functions (6:05)
6- Exercise- Testing Components that Use Redux (3:29)
7- Exercise- Replacing Redux with React Query (4:49)
Testing Authentication (12m)
1- Introduction (0:22)
2- What to Test (1:22)
3- Mocking the Authentication Status (5:13)
4- Exercise- Testing AuthStatus (5:05)
Testing Routing (22m)
1- Introduction (0:18)
2- What to Test (0:27)
3- Testing Routes (7:41)
4- Extracting navigateTo (2:55)
5- Exercise- Testing Routes with Parameters (2:59)
6- Exercise- Testing Invalid Routes (0:50)
7- Testing Protected Routes (3:00)
8- Exercise- Testing ProductDetailPage (4:33)
9- Additional Exercises
Conclusion (1m)
1- Course Wrap Up (0:25)
2- Feedback
4- Exercise- Testing Initial Data
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